plaster | cover conspicuously or thickly, as by pasting something on; "The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters"; "She let the walls of the apartment be beplastered with stucco" |
cover conspicuously or thickly, as by pasting something on; "The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters"; "She let the walls of the apartment be beplastered with stucco" krzyżówka krzyżówka, szarada, hasło do krzyżówki, odpowiedzi,
Jeżeli znasz jakieś inne odpowiedzi do opisu - cover conspicuously or thickly, as by pasting something on; "The demonstrators plastered the hallways with posters"; "She let the walls of the apartment be beplastered with stucco" - wpisz je poniżej: